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引用本文:史云贵. 现代社会中的理性与公共理性[J]. 江苏社会科学, 2007, 1(4): 106-110
摘    要:理性是社会行为主体对客体的一种能动的反映,它是人们认识自然和社会及其规律的一种基本能力.社会行为主体的理性在许多情况下,在很大程度上表现为工具理性,它是一种不完全理性,或称有限理性.人们在对理性反思的过程中,往往会从"理性至上"滑向否定和抛弃理性的极端.现代公共理性应该成为沟通和统一工具理性和价值理性、个人理性与国家理性、大众理性与精英理性的中介和桥梁,它是横跨国家(政府)、政党、利益集团和个人之间,并以成熟自律的公民社会为基础的利益整合的能力和机制.以公民社会为底蕴与后盾,现代公共领域的培育和公共理性的提升对我国政治现代化无疑有着深远的影响.

关 键 词:理性  公共理性  公共领域  政治现代化  现代社会  公共理性  Society  Modern  Reason  影响  政治现代化  公共领域  机制  能力  利益整合  公民社会  自律  个人理性  利益集团  政党  政府  跨国家  桥梁  中介

Reason and Public Reason in Modern Society
Shi Yungui. Reason and Public Reason in Modern Society[J]. Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2007, 1(4): 106-110
Authors:Shi Yungui
Abstract:Reason is an active reflection of social behavior subjects. It is a kind of fundamental ability to understand nature,society and its regulations. In most cases,it is implemental reason,which is a kind of incomplete reason or limited reason. People would move from the superior reason to the negation or abandonment of reason. Modern public reason should become a medium between implemental and value reasons,individual and national reasons,mass and elite reasons. It is a capability and institution which should bridge the gap between state,party,interest group and individuals.
Keywords:reason  public reason  public sphere  political modernity
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