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IPPS Sampling Plans Excluding Adjacent Units
Authors:B. N. Mandal  V. K. Gupta
Affiliation:Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute Library , Avenue Pusa , New Delhi , India
The concept of inclusion probability proportional to size sampling plans excluding adjacent units separated by at most a distance of m (≥ 1) units {IPPSEA plans} is introduced. IPPSEA plans ensure that the first-order inclusion probabilities of units are proportional to size measures of the units, while the second-order inclusion probabilities are zero for pairs of adjacent units separated by a distance of m units or less. IPPSEA plans have been obtained by making use of binary, proper, and unequireplicated block designs and linear programing approach. The performance of IPPSEA plans using Horvitz–Thompson estimator of population total has been compared with existing sampling plans such as simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR), balanced sampling plans excluding adjacent units {BSA (m) plans}, probability proportional to size with replacement, Hartley and Rao's plan (1962 Hartley , H. O. , Rao , J. N. K. ( 1962 ). Sampling with unequal probabilities and without replacement . Ann. Math. Statist. 33 : 350 – 374 .[Crossref] , [Google Scholar]), Rao et al.'s strategy (1962 Rao , J. N. K. , Hartley , H. O. , Cochran , W. G. ( 1962 ). On a simple procedure of unequal probability sampling without replacement . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 24 : 482 – 491 . [Google Scholar]), and Sampford's IPPS plan (1967 Sampford , M. R. ( 1967 ). On sampling without replacement with unequal probabilities of selection . Biometrika 54 ( 3 ): 499 – 513 .[Crossref], [PubMed] , [Google Scholar]) using a real life population. Unbiased estimation of Horvitz–Thompson estimator of population total is not possible in these types of plans because some of the second-order inclusion probabilities are zero. To resolve this problem, one approximate variance estimation technique has been suggested.
Keywords:Balanced sampling plans excluding adjacent units  Horvitz–Thompson estimator  IPPS plans  Linear programing
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