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Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Compound Geometric Failure Model with Changing Parameters From Type-I Two-Stage Progressively Censored and Group Censored Samples
Authors:Nandita W. Patel  M. N. Patel
Affiliation:1. Department of Statistics , St. Xavier's College , Ahmedabad, India nanditafrancis@yahoo.co.in;3. Department of Statistics , Gujarat University , Ahmedabad, India
Boardman and Kendell (1970 Boardman , T. J. , Kendell , P. J. ( 1970 ). Estimation in compound failure models . Technometrics 12 : 891 – 908 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) considered the problem of estimation with respect to Type-I censoring when an item is subjected to only one of the two causes of failure assuming exponential model. Patel and Gajjar (1992 Patel , M. N. , Gajjar , A. V. ( 1992 ). Maximum likelihood estimation in compound exponential failure model with changing failure rates from Type-I progressively censored and group censored samples . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 21 ( 10 ): 2899 – 2908 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) considered extension of the Boardman and Kendell's results in case of two-stage progressive censoring. Here we have considered geometric competing risk failure model with two independent causes of failures. Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is carried out using Type-I two-stage progressively censored and group censored samples. Asymptotic standard errors of the estimators are obtained for both the cases. Two illustrative examples are cited for ungroup and group competing risk models.
Keywords:Changing parameters  Compound failure model  Group censoring  Maximum likelihood estimation  Progressive censoring
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