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A Class of Permutation Tests for the Equality of Two Marginal Survival Functions Using Paired Censored Data
Authors:Liang Li
Affiliation:1. Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USAlil2@ccf.org
We studied several test statistics for testing the equality of marginal survival functions of paired censored data. The null distribution of the test statistics was approximated by permutation. These tests do not require explicit modeling or estimation of the within-pair correlation, accommodate both paired data and singletons, and the computation is straightforward with most statistical software. Numerical studies showed that these tests have competitive size and power performance. One test statistic has higher power than previously published test statistics when the two survival functions under comparison cross. We illustrate use of these tests in a propensity score matched dataset.
Keywords:Crossing survival functions  Nonproportional hazard  Paired censored data  Paired survival data  Permutation test  Propensity score matching
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