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A New Test of Randomness for Lehmer Generators Based on the Manhattan Distance Between Pairs of Consecutive Random Numbers
Authors:Amin Khoshkenar  Hashem Mahlooji
Affiliation:1. Department of Industrial Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Tehran , Iran Amin.khoshkenar@gmail.com;3. Department of Industrial Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Tehran , Iran
This article considers the Marsaglia effect by proposing a new test of randomness for Lehmer random number generators. Our test is based on the Manhattan distance criterion between consecutive pairs of random numbers rather than the usually adopted Euclidian distance. We derive the theoretical distribution functions for the Manhattan distance for both overlapping (two dimensional) as well as non-overlapping cases. Extensive goodness-of-fit testing as well as empirical experimentation provides ample proof of the merits of the proposed criterion.
Keywords:Lehmer random number generators  Manhattan distance  Marsaglia effect  Test of randomness
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