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Rotatability is a Sufficient Condition for A- and D-Rotatability
Authors:S. Huda  L. Benkherouf
Affiliation:1. Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science , Kuwait University , Safat , Kuwait shuda@kuc01.kuniv.edu.kw;3. Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science , Kuwait University , Safat , Kuwait
Designs for estimating axial slopes of a response surface are considered. A design is said to be A- (D-) rotatable if the trace (determinant) of variance–covariance matrix of the estimated slopes at a point in the factor space is a function of the distance of the point from the center of the design. It is shown that for any order d and any dimension k, a design which is rotatable in the Box and Hunter (1957 Box , G. E. P. , Hunter , J. S. ( 1957 ). Multifactor experimental designs for exploring response surfaces . Annals of Mathematical Statistics 28 : 195 – 241 .[Crossref] , [Google Scholar]) sense is automatically A- and D-rotatable. Some specific examples illustrating the validity of this general result are provided.
Keywords:A-rotatability  D-rotatability  dth order designs  Response surface designs  Rotatable designs
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