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The two-sample problem with multivariate censored data: a new rank test family
Authors:Eve Leconte  Thierry Moreau  Joseph Lellouch
Affiliation:Inserm U. 169 , 16, avenue Paul Vaillant-Couturier, Villejuif Cedex, 94807, FRANCE
Abstract:A new rank test family is proposed to test the equality of two multivariate failure times distributions with censored observations. The tests are very simple: they are based on a transformation of the multivariate rank vectors to a univariate rank score and the resulting statistics belong to the familiar class of the weighted logrank test statistics. The new procedure is also applicable to multivariate observations in general, such as repeated measures, some of which may be missing. To investigate the performance of the proposed tests, a simulation study was conducted with bivariate exponential models for various censoring rates. The size and power of these tests against Lehmann alternatives were compared to the size and power of two other tests (Wei and Lachin, 1984 and Wei and Knuiman, 1987). In all simulations the new procedures provide a relatively good power and an accurate control over the size of the test. A real example from the National Cooperative Gallstone Study is given
Keywords:bivariate failure data  censored observations  Ge-han test  Lehmann alternatives  logrank test
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