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Orthogonally Blocked Mixture Experiments in Ellipsoidal Restricted Regions
Authors:Philip Prescott
Affiliation:1. School of Mathematics , University of Southampton , Southampton, United Kingdom P.Prescott@soton.ac.uk
In practical situations involving mixtures formed from several ingredients, interest is sometimes centered on the response in an ellipsoidal neighborhood around a standard formulation. We show that standard, orthogonally blocked, response surface designs, defined on a q ? 1 dimensional unit sphere, may be transformed into similarly orthogonally blocked q-ingredient mixture designs defined within an ellipsoid centered at the standard formulation. The method is illustrated using several examples of mixture experiments with three, four, and five ingredients, arranged in two, three, or four orthogonal blocks, obtained by projecting standard central composite designs and Box–Behnken designs into the ellipsoidal mixture region. Rotations of the resulting designs within the ellipsoidal regions are also considered.
Keywords:Bounded mixture regions  Box–Behnken designs  Central composite designs  Ellipsoidal regions  Orthogonal transformations  Spherical designs  Unit spheres
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