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Maximum Value of Hotelling's T 2 Statistics Based on the Successive Differences Covariance Matrix Estimator
Authors:James D. Williams  Joe H. Sullivan  Jeffrey B. Birch
Affiliation:1. Applied Statistics Laboratory , General Electric Global Research , Niskayuna, New York, USA james.williams@research.ge.com;3. Department of Marketing, Quantitative Analysis, &4. Business Law , Mississippi State University , Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA;5. Department of Statistics , Virginia Polytechnic Institute &6. State University , Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
In statistical process control applications, the multivariate T 2 control chart based on Hotelling's T 2 statistic is useful for detecting the presence of special causes of variation. In particular, use of the T 2 statistic based on the successive differences covariance matrix estimator has been shown to be very effective in detecting the presence of a sustained step or ramp shift in the mean vector. However, the exact distribution of this statistic is unknown. In this article, we derive the maximum value of the T 2 statistic based on the successive differences covariance matrix estimator. This distributional property is crucial for calculating an approximate upper control limit of a T 2 control chart based on successive differences, as described in Williams et al. (2006 Williams , J. D. , Woodall , W. H. , Birch , J. B. , Sullivan , J. H. ( 2006 ). On the distribution of T 2 statistics based on successive differences . J. Qual. Technol. 38 : 217 – 229 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]).
Keywords:Maximum value  Multivariate SPC  T 2 control chart
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