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A New GWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Process Mean and Variability
Authors:Chi-Jui Huang
Affiliation:1. Department of International Trade, Jinwen University of Science and Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwanchi-jui@just.edu.tw
Abstract:In this article, we extend a single exponentially weighted moving average semicircle (EWMA-SC) chart to a single generally weighted moving average (GWMA) chart. This new control chart can effectively combine the features of the SC chart with GWMA techniques, and can easily indicate the source and direction of a change. We perform simulations to evaluate the average run length, standard deviation of the run length, and diagnostic abilities of the GWMA-SC and EWMA-SC charts. An extensive comparison shows that the GWMA-SC control chart is more sensitive than the EWMA-SC chart for detecting small shifts in the process mean and/or variability.
Keywords:EWMA-SC chart  GWMA-SC chart  Average run length (ARL)  Standard deviation of run length (SDRL)  Simulation
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