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Improved switching rules in control procedures using variable sampling intervals
Authors:Raid. W Amin  William. C Letsinger II
Affiliation:Department of Mathematics and Statistics , The University of West Florida , Florida , Pensacola , 32514
Abstract:Some properties of control procedures with variable sampling intervals (VSI) have been investigated in recent years by Amin, Renolds et al, and others. Such procedures have been shown to be more efficient when compared to the corresponding fixed sampling interval (FSI) charts with respect to the Average Time to Signal (ATS) when the Average Run Length (ARL) values for both types of procedures are held equal. Frequent switching between the different sampling intervals can be a complicating factor in the application of control charts with variable sampling intervals (VSI). This problem is being addressed in this article, and improved switching rules are presented and evaluated for Shewhart, CUSUM, and EWMA control procedures. The proposed rules considerably reduce the average number of switches between the sampling intervals and also improve the ATS properties of the control procedures when compared to the conventional variable sampling interval procedures
Keywords:Average Run Length  Variable Time Delay  Runs Rules  Process Control
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