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引用本文:周桂钿. 天命论与中国古代哲学[J]. 东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001, 3(3): 14-19
摘    要:天命论是产生于三代的古老观念。这一观念认为天是自然与社会的最高主宰、至上神。它虽在战国一度衰落,但在后世又得到复兴,并发展为天人感应,衍变为天堂观念等。在历史上发生久远的影响。这种观念虽被斥为迷信受到批判,但历史地看,天命论有其合理性,它在哲学上第一次提出了宇宙统一性的问题,在政治实践中亦曾起过进步作用,应该实事求是地予以分析。

关 键 词:天命论  天人感应    

The theory of the mandate of heaven and the Chinese ancient philosophy
ZHOU Gui-dian. The theory of the mandate of heaven and the Chinese ancient philosophy[J]. Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science ), 2001, 3(3): 14-19
Authors:ZHOU Gui-dian
Abstract:The concept of "the mandate of heaven" came into being in the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties. It maintains that heaven,"the highest god",has absolute dominance over nature and society. Though it experienced its ebb in the Warring States Period,it revived in the succeeding years,developing into a.notion which not only believed in the ekistence of heaven but also the induction between human an heaven. Such a concept is sometimes discussed as superstition,however,perceived from a historical perspective of view,it justifies its existence by asserting the unity of universe and exerting positive influence on political practice. We should analyze it in a realistic way.
Keywords:the mandate of heaven  the induction of heaven and human  god  people
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