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引用本文:马明达,杜常顺. 明代宦官与佛教寺院[J]. 暨南学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 26(5): 108-116
作者姓名:马明达  杜常顺
作者单位:暨南大学文学院 广东广州510632 (马明达),暨南大学文学院 广东广州510632(杜常顺)
摘    要:宦官政治是明史研究的重要课题。明代宦官普遍信奉佛教 ,积极营建寺院 ,是天下佛教寺院重要的檀护力量 ,各处的佛教僧团也呈现趋附宦官势力的倾向。因此 ,这成为明代宦官政治史和佛教史的一大特点。宦官营建寺院的活动 ,有种种复杂的表现形式 ,总体上是借助于皇家背景 ,使其势力由宫廷渗入民间社会 ,其实际意义也远远超出宗教范畴 ,具有了更多的社会及政治影响

关 键 词:明代  宦官  佛教寺院

Eunuchs and Buddhism Temples in Ming Dynasty
MA Ming-da,DU Chang-shun College of Liberal Arts,Jinan University Guangzhou ,China. Eunuchs and Buddhism Temples in Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Jinan University, 2004, 26(5): 108-116
Authors:MA Ming-da  DU Chang-shun College of Liberal Arts  Jinan University Guangzhou   China
Affiliation:MA Ming-da,DU Chang-shun College of Liberal Arts,Jinan University Guangzhou 510632,China
Abstract:In Ming Dynasty, eunuches usually believed in Buddhism. As a result, they usually became a powerful supporting institution to the Buddhist temples. Consequently, monks and their organizations were inclined to play up to these eunuchs. The interactions between monks and eunuchs exercised a great influence on normal, popular communities in the society, so that the real meaning of these religious supporting activities exceeded the pure religious scale, and had even more social and political impacts.
Keywords:Ming Dynasty  eunuch  Buddhist temple  
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