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引用本文:黄金灿. 宋代“修韵官”考论[J]. 宁波大学学报(人文科学版), 2017, 0(6): 80-85
作者单位:(中国社会科学院研究生院 文学系,北京 102488)
摘    要:“修韵官”一词可用于指涉在官修韵书纂修过程中做出贡献的所有官员。他们的工作涉及到韵书修撰的各个方面。宋代“修韵官”作为一个岗位,具有因事设岗的显著特征;它是一种“兼职”,一般由担任其他官职的人员兼任,并不属于正式的官制系统。宋代“修韵官”作为一个“团队”,体现了严密协作的团队精神。研究宋代“修韵官”,既有助于满足今人对宋代官修韵书纂修者进行系统了解的诉求,也有助于借此管窥宋代文化范式的丰富性与独特价值。

关 键 词:宋代  “修韵官”  岗位  团队  文化意义

A Textual Research on Repair Rhyme Officials in the Song Dynasty HUANG Jin-can
HUANG Jin-can. A Textual Research on Repair Rhyme Officials in the Song Dynasty HUANG Jin-can[J]. Journal of Ningbo University(Liberal Arts Edition), 2017, 0(6): 80-85
Authors:HUANG Jin-can
Affiliation:(Department of literature, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing102488, China)
Abstract:“Repair rhyme officials” refer to all the officials who contribute in the process of rhyme book compilation. Their work involves all aspects of rhyme book repair. " Repair rhyme official" was treated as a post with the characteristics of temporary establishment in Song Dynasty. It was a "part-time" post, which generally served as other officers of the office, and which does not belong to the formal system of official system. The "team" embodies the spirit of close collaboration between the members . The study provides not only a sample of similar "official" research, but also a reference for the compilation of contemporary books
Keywords:Song Dynasty  Repair rhyme officials  post  team  cultural significance
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