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引用本文:王四新. 欧洲人权法院判例法中的信息自由[J]. 南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学 ), 2008, 45(6)
摘    要:信息自由主要指私主体有权获取政府部门掌握的各种信息。信息自由一方面要求政府在适当的时间,以适当的方式向民众公布政府在管理社会的过程中产生的信息,也即通常所说的政府信息公开。另一方面,信息自由还意味着政府有义务满足个体获取特定信息的权利。在信息自由已经成为一种世界潮流的情况下,欧洲人权法院的相关司法判决却一直不愿意将私主体获取政府机关所掌握的信息作为一种基本人权予以确认,法院依据《欧洲人权公约》第8条所承认和保护的私生活与家庭生活权对个体进行救济的思路,似乎也存在一定的问题。

关 键 词:表达自由  信息自由  欧洲人权法院  《欧洲人权公约》

FOI and the Europe Court of Human Rights
WANG Si-xin. FOI and the Europe Court of Human Rights[J]. Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences), 2008, 45(6)
Authors:WANG Si-xin
Abstract:Freedom of Information(FOI) refers mainly to the individual rights to get access to different kinds of information held by the government.FOI,on the one hand,requires governments to disclose in right time and channel the information generated in the management of society;on the other hand,FOI also means government must meet the individual need to get access to the desired information.In the worldwide movement of FOI,the Europe Court of Human Rights is unfortunately reluctant to recognize the access to gover...
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