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引用本文:郑若玲. 科举对清代社会流动的影响——基于清代朱卷作者之家世分析[J]. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007, 0(5): 72-79
摘    要:通过对《清代朱卷集成》七千多名举子家世的分析,可以看出,在清代,尽管获得科举功名者大多数出身于较高社会阶层,出身于上五代均无功名家庭的举子要实现向上流动相当艰难,但一定比例的布衣借着科举得以升迁的事实,说明他们仍有一个较为公平的上升渠道。姻亲和母系家族对于举子提升社会阶层几无助力。居住城市的举子实现向上流动的机会要比乡居举子大得多,但家世在实现社会流动的过程中起着远比居住地更为重要的作用。

关 键 词:科举  清代  社会流动  朱卷,家世

The Impact of Imperial Examination on Social Mobility in the Qing Dynasty: An Analysis of Families of Examinees in the Qing Dynasty
ZHENG Ruo-ling. The Impact of Imperial Examination on Social Mobility in the Qing Dynasty: An Analysis of Families of Examinees in the Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Xiamen University(A Quarterly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences), 2007, 0(5): 72-79
Authors:ZHENG Ruo-ling
Abstract:Through analyzing the families of over 7,000 examinees who passed the imperial examination(IE) during the Qing Dynasty,this paper concludes that a certain percentage of examinees from poor families did have a relatively fair channel for upward mobility owing to the IE system,though the majority of those who succeeded in IE came from middle and upper classes and it was rather difficult for those who passed IE but came from families with no history of nobility for five consecutive generations to move up socio-politically.It is also concluded that marriages or matrilineal relatives contributed little to the upward mobility of successful IE takers.Compared with examinees from rural areas,urban IE takers had better chances for upward mobility but familial lineage played a much more important role than place of residence in the process of social mobility.
Keywords:Imperial Examination  the Qing Dynasty  social mobility  IE papers  familial lineage
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