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作者姓名:洪传春  刘某承  李文华
作者单位:1. 中国人民大学环境学院,北京,100872
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101
摘    要:通过构建C-D生产函数考察劳动及资本要素对粮食产量的影响,进而分析劳动的边际产量变化情况.在此基础上,结合劳动力的机会成本分析劳动力转移的动力机制及其对粮食安全的影响.结论:长期的高机会成本使粮食种植的劳动力投入持续减少,已对我国粮食生产产生了不利影响;而耕地的社会保障功能使其规模化生产难以实现,从而使通过资本替代劳动来提高粮食生产率变得困难,这造成了劳动力转移对我国粮食安全的潜在风险.建议:近期内采取措施提高种粮的比较收益以吸引部分青壮年留在农业;远期则需建立起有效的社会保障体系,从而消除土地的社会保障功能,以通过耕地的规模化生产来提高农业生产率,进而保证粮食安全.

关 键 词:劳动力转移  粮食安全  小农经济  规模化生产  机会成本

The Dynamic Mechanism of Agricultural Labor Migration and Its Affection on the Food Security
Authors:Hong Chuanchun  Liu MouCheng  Li Wenhua
Abstract:For scarcity of resources, there is a kind of equilibrium about the structure of public expenditure, namely Public Expenditure Equilibrium. Differently from market equilibrium, PEE implies that the dual objectives these are economic efficiency and fairness goods can be maximized at the same time under the public resources constraint. To assess the structure of public expenditure from the perspective of equilibrium is within the orientation of public expenditure. The empirical study in view of HDI demonstrates that the contributions of all items of expenditure made clear a convergence trend sug- gested that China~ structure of public expenditure showed the characteristics of the equilibrium improvement in the long tenn. While the difference of tendencies of item contributions shows that it is urgently need to adjust and optimize the structure of China's public expenditure according to the equilibrium principle.
Keywords:public expenditure  public expenditure equilibrium  HDI  economic efficiency  fairness goods
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