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Critical humanism for public relations: Harnessing the synergy of gender,race and sexuality research
Affiliation:1. University of Texas, Austin, United States;2. Quinnipiac University, United States;3. Virginia Tech, United States
Abstract:In the age of the Anthropocene, PR research has a role to play in making sense of and working to heal the widespread suffering of human and non-human beings. Public relations scholars have an ethical responsibility to work toward structural, systemic social change that reconciles suffering. Drawing from contemporary critical theories, we weave three strands of theory – critical feminism, critical theories of race, and queer theories – to carve out a theoretical trajectory in social justice guided by critical humanism. Critical humanism illuminates the subjugation and resistance of historically marginalized individuals and groups, attending to the influence of structures and institutions that underpin norms of whiteness, cisnormativity, and heterosexuality.
Keywords:Critical humanism  Critical feminism  Critical race theory  Queer theory
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