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引用本文:陈坤. 论价值领域内的智识可能性[J]. 学术月刊, 2007, 0(9)
作者单位:南京大学法学院 江苏南京210093
摘    要:在语言问题、客观性问题和分界问题上,逻辑实证主义都是陷入困境的,从而其基于事实与价值的两分而将价值问题排除在理性探讨的范围之外的论断是无法被充分辩护的。否定价值领域内的智识可能性将从根本上否定我们对于正当性追问的意义,并剥夺我们对自己置身于中的社会秩序与政治法律制度进行批判性反思的资格。而"价值客观化"的努力者则在其所理解的"科学确定性"的意义上来把握价值问题,导致对确定性的迷信。在价值领域内,理性具有参与的能力及作用。对于价值领域内的智识可能性,其所必需的理性无法达成对于世界与生活的最终理解和绝对把握,然而却能完成在具体历史情景中的使命。从而,对待价值问题的合适态度应当是一种恰当的"道德实在论",它首先承认价值领域内的智识可能性,但并不因此而承诺某种确定无疑的道德体系或价值集合。

关 键 词:事实  价值  逻辑实证主义  价值客观化  智识可能性

The Possibility of Rational Discussion in the Value Domain
Chen Kun. The Possibility of Rational Discussion in the Value Domain[J]. Academic Monthly, 2007, 0(9)
Authors:Chen Kun
Abstract:The logical positivists has failed on the problems of language, objectivity and line dividing, so they do not have sufficient reasons to remove the value problem outside the ration range according to the dichotomy of fact and value. They deny any kind of possibility of rational discussion in the value domain, and try to deprive our rights to critically reconsider our social order and our political and law system. On the other hand, value objectivists, lead us to the superstition to the determinacy, when they understand value problem coming the way according to objective science. We must acknowledge that there is some kind of possibility of rational discussion in the value domain, when it is talked about, the ration it needs is unable to achieve and absolutely grasps the finally understanding of the world and the life, but can complete its historical mission. Thus, the appropriate manner to treat value question must be one kind of "the moral realism", this kind of theory acknowledges that we can carry on the rational defense to the moral question, but denies any kind of morals system or value set.
Keywords:fact   value   logical positivism   value objectivism   possibility of rational discussion
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