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引用本文:周绍华. 《石介事迹著作编年》辨误三则[J]. 齐鲁学刊, 2014, 0(2): 32-35
摘    要:陈植锷先生遗著《石介事迹著作编年》对石介一生求学、仕宦经历、学术交游活动以及诗词文章的写作时间做了详尽挖掘研究,对石介生活时代的政治背景、学术界人物活动皆有阐发。但书中对石介部分作品如《麦熟有感》诗、《代郓州通判李屯田荐士建中表》、《上范思远书》、《上徐州张刑部书》、《上徐州扈谏议书》的写作时间的判定不尽准确,需予以辨析。

关 键 词:《石介事迹著作编年》  著作  辨误

Three Places Correcting Errors in Shijie's Chronicle of Life Story and Work
Abstract:The posthumous work of Shijie's Chronicle of Life Story and Work written by Mr Chen Zhi-e researched Shijie'studying,experience of be an official and time of all articles written much detailedly and accurately.Meanwhile elucidated the political background,activity of scholars and relationship between Shi-jie and other scholars in the time who live.But there were mistake time about the poetries and letter written by Shijie in the book,for example,the poetry of Feeling of Wheat Harvest,Wrote a Letter of Recommendation for Shi Jian-zhong instead of Li Tuntian Officer;Wrote a Letter to Fan Si yuan,Wrote a Letter to Xuzhou Zhang xingbu,Wrote a Letter to Xuzhou Hu jianyi,etc.The article will identity and correct these errors.
Keywords:Shijie's Chronicle of Life Story and Work  work  correcting error
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