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引用本文:孙昌武. 唐代文人的"统合"三教思潮[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2004, 6(6): 95-103
摘    要:中国历史上,自佛、道二教盛行,士大夫出入道、释,"周流三教"即成为潮流.唐代文人的观念与行为中,儒、释、道三者更进一步被"统合",给当时文人的思想、生活和创作产生巨大影响.唐王朝崇佛重道,把它们纳入到统治体制之中,使之成为辅助皇权进行"教化"的力量;佛、道二教伦理上更向儒家传统靠拢,从而使以儒术立身的士大夫阶层可以融通无疑地加以接受.这对于开阔唐代文人的思想认识境界,丰富其创作的内容和艺术表现起到积极作用.

关 键 词:      统合  唐代文人

The integration of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism by the literati in Tang Dynasty
SUN Chang-wu. The integration of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism by the literati in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition), 2004, 6(6): 95-103
Authors:SUN Chang-wu
Abstract:When Buddhism and Taoism became prevailing in China, they attracted many higher rank officials. In Zhou Dynasty, another religion belief, Confucianism joined the previous two. By the time of Tang Dynasty, the three beliefs were integrated and adopted by the literati in their behaviours and acts, which had further influence upon people's thoughts, life and literature works. The emperors of Tang Dynasty drew more importance to Buddhism and brought some of its ideas into their ruling systems and used them as cultivation tools in their ruling. To some extent, the concepts in Buddhism and Taoism were closer to those in Confucianism, thus making them more likely to be accepted by those Confucianism-believing literati. The integration of the three religions made these literati open to more beliefs, ideas, and enriched their literature works in terms of content and artistic styles.
Keywords:Judaism  Confucianism  Taoism  literati  Tang Dynasty  
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