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Demand Systems Estimation With Microdata: A Censored Regression Approach
Authors:Dale Heien  Cathy Roheim Wesseils
Affiliation:1. Department of Agricultural Economics , University of California , Davis , CA , 95616;2. Department of Resource Economics , University of Rhode Island , Kingston , Rl , 02881
Abstract:Demand systems estimation increasingly makes use of household-level microdata, mainly to measure the effects of demographic variables. Data based on these household-expenditure surveys present a major estimation problem. For any given household, many of the goods have zero consumption, implying a censored dependent variable. Techniques which do not take this censored dependent variable into account will yield biased results. We utilize a censored regression approach that is computationally simple, consistent, and asymptotically efficient. The results are then presented and compared with those obtained using an uncensored technique.
Keywords:Demand for dairy products  Survey data  Zero consumption
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