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A Lagrange multiplier test for testing the adequacy of constant conditional correlation GARCH model
Authors:Paul Catani  Meiqun Yin
Affiliation:1. Department of Finance and Economics, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland;2. Business School, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China

A Lagrange multiplier test for testing the parametric structure of a constant conditional correlation-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (CCC-GARCH) model is proposed. The test is based on decomposing the CCC-GARCH model multiplicatively into two components, one of which represents the null model, whereas the other one describes the misspecification. A simulation study shows that the test has good finite sample properties. We compare the test with other tests for misspecification of multivariate GARCH models. The test has high power against alternatives where the misspecification is in the GARCH parameters and is superior to other tests. The test is not greatly affected by misspecification in the conditional correlations and is therefore well suited for considering misspecification of GARCH equations.
Keywords:Constant conditional correlation  LM test  misspecification testing  modeling volatility  multivariate GARCH
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