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引用本文:李吉和. 回鹘的西迁与经济文化整合[J]. 新疆大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 31(4): 73-76
作者单位:中南民族大学民族学与社会学学院 湖北
摘    要:8世纪,回鹘汗国灭亡后,一部分回鹘人被迫西迁。在迁徙到新的居住地后,回鹘的生产方式、文化得以不断的整合,在经济上由畜牧为主整合为以农耕为主,在文化上通过语言文字、宗教、饮食居所等方面的整合走向合成式文明,这为新的民族的形成奠定了基础。

关 键 词:回鹘  西迁  经济  文化  民族  整合

The Westward Migration of the Uighurs and the Integration of Their Economy and Culture
LI Ji-he. The Westward Migration of the Uighurs and the Integration of Their Economy and Culture[J]. Journal of Xinjiang University, 2003, 31(4): 73-76
Authors:LI Ji-he
Abstract:In the 8th century, some uighurs were forced to migrate westward after the decline of the Kingdom of the Uighurs. In new residence, their mode of production and culture received successive integration. Economically, husbandry-oriented e-conomy turned into agriculture-oriented one; culturally, their culture became an integrated civilization through the process of language, religion, diet and residence integration. All these laid the foundation for the formation of a new nationality.
Keywords:the Uighurs  westward migration  economy  culture  nationality  integration
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