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引用本文:雷振扬. 民族地区自然生态利益探析[J]. 民族研究, 2004, 0(3): 38-46
摘    要:本文认为 ,自然生态利益是民族地区的一种重要利益。维护民族地区的自然生态利益 ,是发展民族经济 ,提高少数民族群众物质文化生活水平 ,加强民族团结 ,保持社会稳定 ,全面推进民族地区小康社会建设的需要 ,是代表少数民族群众根本利益的表现。目前 ,民族地区自然生态利益正受到严重威胁 ,必须采取有效措施予以保护。要从提高思想认识、加大经费投入、调整产业结构、实行制度创新、运用现代科技、加强法治等方面来维护民族地区的自然生态利益

关 键 词:民族地区  自然生态利益  民族经济

A Research to the Ecological Interests in the Ethnic Minority Areas
Lei Zhenyang. A Research to the Ecological Interests in the Ethnic Minority Areas[J]. Ethno-National Studies, 2004, 0(3): 38-46
Authors:Lei Zhenyang
Affiliation:Lei Zhenyang
Abstract:The paper argues that the ecological interestsare important part of the interests of the ethnic minority areas.The safeguardingto the ecological interests of the ethnic minority areas is beneficialfor the economic development, the development of the people's material and culturalliving standards, the ethnic solidarity, the social stabilityand the building a well-off society in an all-round wayof the areas.And it embodies therepresenting of the people'sfundamental interests inthe ethnic minority areas. Today, the interests face great menace. We should adopt effective measuresto safeguard them. For thisreason, we must deepen understanding, increaseinput, change industrial structure, practice institutional innovation, use modern technology, and strengthen rule of law, and take some other measures.
Keywords:the ethnic minority areas  the ecological interests  the ethnic economy.
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