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引用本文:杨万里. 论南宋台州地域文化传统的重建[J]. 上海大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 18(6): 99-108. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-6522.2011.06.008
摘    要: 从东晋至北宋,台州一直以“仙源佛窟”著称,地域文化主流是佛道二教。台州山水成为文学家笔下常见的题材,神仙人物、灵异古迹、紫烟青藤、寺庙宫观、奇峰异岭,往往是唐宋士人“天台想象”的核心。自北宋中后期起,儒学(主要是胡瑗春秋学)开始在台州传播;南渡后,大批北方士大夫流寓台州,他们在此地兴学校、建乡祠、整理乡邦文献、与当地学者切磋学术,诗歌唱和,将儒学(主要是二程理学)带到台州。由此,台州地域文化由“仙佛之国”向“海滨邹鲁”转变。

关 键 词:重建  台州  地域文化  理学  

The Re-Establishment of the Regional Culture Tradition in Taizhou in the Southern Song Dynasty
YANG Wan-li. The Re-Establishment of the Regional Culture Tradition in Taizhou in the Southern Song Dynasty[J]. Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition), 2011, 18(6): 99-108. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-6522.2011.06.008
Authors:YANG Wan-li
Affiliation:YANG Wan-li(School of Liberal Arts,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444)
Abstract:From the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty,Taizhou was well-known for its immortal cradle and Buddha residence.The mainstream of its regional culture was Taoism and Buddhism.Thus Taizhou' s landscape became topics for writers' poetry creation in the Tang and Song dynasties.Very often,they made an imagination of the heavens,depicting so-called great supermen,mysterious historic-sites,colorful scenes,magnificent temples and queer mountains.In the middle and later periods of the Northern Song Dy...
Keywords:Taizhou  regional culture  neo-Confucianism  re-establishment  
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