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Coaching im Spagat zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft
Authors:Bernd R. Birgmeier
Affiliation:1.Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Sozialp?dagogik und Gesundheitsp?dagogik der Katholischen Universit?t Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt, Coach (CiP),Kipfenberg,Deutschland
Coaching between practice and science. Coaching theory and -practice are two sides of the same coin. As contrasted with the successful practice the theoretical and scientific explanation of coaching is still unattended despite the fact that serious coaching conceptions are to base on epistemological and scientific premises; and this only for the sake of practice. The text at hand will point out the limits and the possibilities to approach the task for answering to the questions of differences between science, theory and practice.
Keywords:Schlüsselw?rter Coaching  Theorie-Praxis-Problem  Wissenschaft  Technologie
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