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Family Time and the Psychosocial Adjustment of Adolescent Siblings and Their Parents
Authors:Ann C. Crouter  Melissa R. Head  Susan M. Mchale  Corinna Jenkins Tucker
This study examined the implications of family time for firstborn and secondborn adolescent offspring, mothers, and fathers in 192 dual‐earner families, defining family time as time shared by the foursome in activities across 7 days. Data were gathered in daily telephone interviews. For firstborns, higher levels of family time at Time 1 predicted less involvement in risky behavior 2 years later, controlling for Time 1 risky behavior. Longitudinal analyses predicting depressive symptoms revealed family time X parent education interactions for firstborns, fathers, and mothers, suggesting that the implications of family time depended on social class. The pattern of results suggests that family time is protective when chosen by family members but not when it represents a default use of time.
Keywords:adolescence  family time  psychological adjust‐ment  social class  time use
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