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An Estimator of Shannon Entropy of Beta-Generated Distributions and a Goodness-of-Fit Test
Authors:Alireza Chaji
Affiliation:Shohadaye Hoveizeh University of Technology, Dasht-e Azadegan, Khouzestan, Iran
Abstract:The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand to introduce and study some of the statistical properties of an estimator for the Shannon entropy and on the other hand to develop a goodness-of-fit test for beta-generated distributions and the distribution of order statistics. Beta-generated distributions are a broad class of univariate distributions which has received great attention during the last 15 years, as it obeys nice properties and it extends the distribution of order statistics. The proposed estimator of Shannon entropy of beta-generated distributions is motivated by the respective Vasicek’s estimator, as the latter one is tailored to the class of the beta-generated distributions and the distribution of order statistics. The estimator of Shannon entropy is defined and its consistency is studied. It is, moreover, exploited to build a goodness-of-fit test for the beta-generated distribution and the distribution of order statistics. Simulations are performed to examine the small- and moderate-sample properties of the proposed estimator and to compare the power of the proposed test with the power of competitors under a variety of alternatives.
Keywords:Beta exponential distribution  Beta-generated distribution  Beta Pareto distribution  Estimator of entropy  Goodness-of-fit test  Order statistics  Shannon Entropy  Vasicek estimator
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