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引用本文:詹福瑞. 李白研究述略[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2019, 38(1): 33-41. DOI: 10.19642/j.issn.1672-8505.2019.01.005
作者单位:首都师范大学文学院 北京 100089
摘    要:20世纪至今,李白研究在文集版本校注与整理、诗文系年、诗歌选本编选、概述性研究、身世生平、思想性格、艺术成就、诗歌接受、经典化研究、普及著作及赏析文章等方面有了长足发展,取得了一系列具有创造性的学术成就。既有传统基础性研究方面超越往昔的成果,也有在现代学术思想指引下研究新领域的开拓,还有普及类著作和赏析性文章的繁荣:这些学术成就从多方面推动了李白研究的发展与进步。

关 键 词:李白   版本   生平事迹   诗文系年   艺术成就   诗歌接受   经典化

A Brief Introduction to Li Bai's Research
ZHAN Fu-rui. A Brief Introduction to Li Bai's Research[J]. Journal of Xihua University:Philosophy & Social Sciences, 2019, 38(1): 33-41. DOI: 10.19642/j.issn.1672-8505.2019.01.005
Authors:ZHAN Fu-rui
Affiliation:School of Literature, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100089, China
Abstract:Since the 20th century, Li Bai's research has made great progress in the revision and collation of collected works, the year of poetry and prose, the compilation and selection of poetry anthologies, an overview study, life experience, ideological character, artistic achievements, poetry acceptance, classical research, popularization of works and appreciation of articles, and has achieved a series of creative academic achievements.There are not only the achievements of traditional basic research exceeding the past, but also the development of new research fields under the guidance of modern academic thought, as well as the prosperity of popular works and appreciative articles:these academic achievements have promoted the development and progress of Li Bai's research in many ways.
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