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引用本文:徐行. 周恩来与抗战初期的政治部第三厅[J]. 南开学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005, 0(4): 1-10
作者单位:南开大学历史学院 天津300071
摘    要:抗战初期周恩来担任国民政府军事委员会政治部副主任,负责领导第三厅的工作。在周恩来领导下第三厅在抗日爱国宣传、启发民众觉悟、扩大统一战线方面做了大量工作,取得了卓越的成效。周恩来的出色工作不但有力地推动了全国抗日宣传高潮,而且为国家培养和储备了一批杰出的文艺人才;同时也使第三厅成为抗战初期国共合作的一个重要纽带,巩固和发展了抗日民族统一战线。

关 键 词:抗战初期  第三厅  周恩来  国共合作

Zhou Enlai And The Third Department of the Politics Ministry: One of the Most Important Factors for CCP''''s Second Cooperation With KMT During the Early Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan
Xu Xing. Zhou Enlai And The Third Department of the Politics Ministry: One of the Most Important Factors for CCP''''s Second Cooperation With KMT During the Early Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan[J]. Nankai Journal, 2005, 0(4): 1-10
Authors:Xu Xing
Abstract:Zhou Enlai as the vice-director of the Politics Ministry, Military Affairs Committee, The National Government, took in charge of the Third Department made great achievement in stimulating the people's patriotism, propaganda for resistance against Japan and enlarging the uniting battle line. By Zhou Enlai's distinguished work, China reached its climax to resist the Japanese invasion as well as a group of outstanding experts in literature and the arts came to the stage, at the same time, the Third Department of the Politics Ministry had become one of the most important buttons for China Communist Party's second cooperation with Kuomintang during the early period of the war of resistance against Japan.
Keywords:The Early Period of the War of China Resistance Against Japan  The Third Department  Zhou Enlai  China Communist Party's Cooperation With Kuomintang
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