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引用本文:刘长庚. 世界经济危机新特点研究[J]. 湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2000, 24(5): 112-116
作者单位:湘潭大学经管学院,湖南湘潭 411105
摘    要:东南亚金融危机表现出与传统的世界经济危机大不一样的新特点一是经济危机的策源地由发达国家转向发展中国家,二是单纯的生产过剩转变为生产与资本的双重过剩,三是20世纪70年代危机时的通货膨胀转变为本次危机时的金融性通货紧缩,四是此次危机的波动速度快,危害程度相对减轻。出现这些新特点的原因是全球性二元经济的出现与国际金融领域的结构变化。

关 键 词:世界经济危机  发展中国家  生产与资本的双重过剩  全球性通货紧缩  快速与轻害  全球性二元经济  国际金融领域的结构变化

On the New Features of World Econonic Crises
LIU Chang-geng. On the New Features of World Econonic Crises[J]. Journal of Xiangtan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2000, 24(5): 112-116
Authors:LIU Chang-geng
Abstract:The south-east Asian financial crisis occured in 1997 indicated new features different from the traditional ones as follows:Firstly, the origin of crisis transfered from developed countries to developing one, secondly pure production redundancy became dual redundancy of production and capital, thirdly, inflation, accompanied with crises happened in the 1970s, developed into deflation, lastly, the fluctuation of crisis tended to become more volatile, but at the same time less harmful. The emergering world-wide dual economy, together with the structural changes in the realm of international finance was responsible for the above-mentioned new features.
Keywords:world economic crises  developing countries  dual redundancy of production and capital  world deflation  more volatile and less harmful  world-wide dual economy  structural changes in the realm of international finance
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