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Social work and artefacts: social workers' use of objects in client relations
Authors:Matilde Høybye-Mortensen
Affiliation:KORA, Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract:Social workers' use of physical objects—i.e. artefacts such as paper, computers and plastic models—in client relations is rarely investigated. Most often, research focus is on interpersonal relations, user groups, professional skills and treatment methods in social work. In a study of decision-making tools and their impact on caseworkers' decision making, examples were found of caseworkers using artefacts in client relations. This paper presents these findings and discusses the purposes for which the caseworkers use artefacts. The empirical data consist of 30 qualitative interviews with caseworkers from a study of three different decision-making tools used in eldercare, employment services and child protection in Danish municipalities. The analysis shows that the caseworkers are concerned with the issue of how to justify the questions they ask clients and their assessment of clients. Job counsellors use artefacts to justify sensitive questions, for instance, questions concerning substance abuse. Family counsellors use artefacts as proof that they are guided by a model rather than making up the questions themselves. The caseworkers who grant homecare service use artefacts when rejecting an application.
Keywords:care management  child welfare  income support/social assistance  older people  technology  professions
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