亚齐独立运动的历史背景及其前景展望 |
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引用本文: | 武文侠. 亚齐独立运动的历史背景及其前景展望[J]. 国际论坛, 2004, 6(4) |
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作者姓名: | 武文侠 |
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作者单位: | 北京外国语大学印尼语教研室 |
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摘 要: | 亚齐独立运动 (也称“自由亚齐运动”)建立 2 6年来 ,造成当地社会秩序严重混乱 ,影响了整个印尼的稳定和发展 ,成为印尼政府的心头之患。亚独的成立和发展有其历史和现实的背景。为解决亚齐问题 ,印尼中央政府采取了包括政治、经济、军事和外交等手段在内的综合措施。印尼中央政府决不会放弃亚齐 ,而亚独又得不到国际社会和当地多数民众的支持 ,因此要实现亚齐独立只能是个梦想。目前摆在亚独面前的有两个选择 :或接受政府的条件 ,和平解决 ;或继续顽抗 ,最终被政府军彻底剿灭。但其结果相同 ,亚齐将以享有更大特权的自治区地位留在统一的印尼共和国内。
关 键 词: | 亚齐 亚独 谈判 军事紧急状态 前景 |
The Historical Background and Prospect of the Free Aceh Movement |
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Abstract: | The Free Aceh Movement (GAM-Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) has become a headache to the Indonesia government. The establishment and development of the Free Aceh Movement have its historical and realist background. With the aim to solve the issue of Aceh, the central government of Indonesia has taken a series of comprehensive measures including political, economical, military and diplomatic measures. There are now two options for the Free Aceh Movement: to accept the terms offered by the central government for a peaceful solution, or to resist stubbornly and be wiped out by the government's armed forces in the end. But the results are the same: Aceh will remain an integrated part of Indonesia as an autonomous region with more special privileges. |
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