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引用本文:李维安,曹廷求. 商业银行公司治理:理论模式与我国的选择[J]. 南开学报(哲学社会科学版), 2003, 0(1): 42-50
作者姓名:李维安  曹廷求
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目 ( 0 2 BJY12 7),教育部高校青年教师奖励计划 ( A0 2 60 5
摘    要:2 0世纪 90年代中期之前 ,商业银行更多的是被当作公司治理的一个重要监督机制。 1997年开始的东亚金融危机才使银行业自身的治理问题受到普遍关注。 1999年 9月巴塞尔委员会发布的《加强银行机构的公司治理》和 2 0 0 2年 6月初中国人民银行颁布的《股份制商业银行公司治理指引》,使商业银行的治理结构问题成为全球和我国关注的焦点。商业银行具有诸多不同于一般公司的特点 ,并由此决定了其公司治理的特殊性。对商业银行公司治理的一系列基本问题进行探索性研究 ,以构建商业银行公司治理的一般模式 ,是提出我国商业银行公司治理改革对策性思路的基础

关 键 词:商业银行  公司治理  治理模式

The Corporate Governance of Commercial Banks: Theoretic Modes and China''s Choice
Li Weian,Cao Tingqiu. The Corporate Governance of Commercial Banks: Theoretic Modes and China''s Choice[J]. Nankai Journal, 2003, 0(1): 42-50
Authors:Li Weian  Cao Tingqiu
Abstract:Before the middle of the 1990s, the commerial bank was mostly regarded as an important supervisory mechanisim. In 1997, an acute financial cirsis occurred in SE Asia, evoking an attention should be pay to corporate governance for banking organizaitons. In Sept. 1990, the Barsel Committee on Banking Supervision issued an instrument of Enhanging Corporate Governance for Banking Organizations. Soon afterward, the People Bank of China issued Gufen Zhi Shangye Yinhang Gongsi Zhi Li Zhiyin ( A Guide to Guiding Corporate Governance on Jiont-Stock Commerial Bank). Thus the problem of the governance structure of commercial banks became a focus of concern. The commercial banks bear features of their own apart from the other companies, which determine the corporate governance of its own. To study the basic issues of corporate governance to build up a general model for corporate governance of commercial banking organizations, to draw up a programme of countermove for the commercial banks to deal with whatever situation may be met with will serves as the basic thinking for China to undertake reform in governancing for commercial banking organization.
Keywords:Commerical Banking Organizations  Corporate Governance  Governance Model
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