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引用本文:马楚婕,韩昭庆. 明清时期云南地区石漠化的分布状况与成因初探[J]. 云南大学学报(社会科学版), 2019, 18(4): 79-89
作者姓名:马楚婕  韩昭庆
摘    要:本文主要通过明清时期的方志、游记、奏折等历史文献中的相关记载,结合今日石漠化的表象特征和敏感性因子进行分析,初步复原这一历史时期云南地区石漠化的分布状况,并梳理了明清云南石漠化的成因。石漠化是自然因素与人为因素共同作用的结果,明清两代,人口的增长、土地的无序开垦、美洲作物的传入与种植、自然植被的破坏构成循环,造成了人地矛盾的加剧与生态系统的恶化,从而使石漠化程度趋于加重。

关 键 词:明清;云南;石漠化;人地矛盾;生态破坏

A preliminary study on the distribution and causes of rocky desertification in Yunnan during the Ming and Qing dynasties
MA Chu jie and HAN Zhao qing. A preliminary study on the distribution and causes of rocky desertification in Yunnan during the Ming and Qing dynasties[J]. Journal of Yunnan Yniversity, 2019, 18(4): 79-89
Authors:MA Chu jie and HAN Zhao qing
Affiliation:Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China and Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Abstract:Through the analysis of local records, travel notes, memorials to the emperors and other historical documents, this paper discusses the apparent characteristics and sensitivity factors of the current rocky desertification in Yunnan with a comparison of the distribution and causes of rocky desertification in Yunnan during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It concludes that both natural and human factors were the causes for the worsening rocky desertification, including population growth, irrational land reclamation, development of American crops and destruction of natural vegetation, which resulted in worse conflicts between land and humans as well as the destruction of the ecosystem.
Keywords:Ming and Qing dynasties   Yunnan   rocky desertification   contradiction between human and land   ecological destruction
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