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Migration Narratives: Expanding Methods to Examine the Interaction of Person and Environment Among Aging Gay Men
Authors:Laurens Van Sluytman  Naomi Braine  Caroline Acker  Sam Friedman  Don C. DesJarlais
Affiliation:1. School of Social Work , Morgan State University , Baltimore , Maryland , USA laurens.vansluytman@morgan.edu;3. Sociology Department , Brooklyn College, City University of New York , Brooklyn , New York , USA;4. Department of History , Carnegie Mellon University College of Humanities and Social Sciences , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , USA;5. Center for Drug Use and HIV Research , National Development and Research Institutes , New York , New York , USA;6. Baron Edmund de Rothschild Foundation Chemical Dependency Institute , New York , New York , USA
As they age, gay and bisexual men are embedded in multiple environments and communities. This article reanalyzes data collected as part of a larger qualitative study of crystal methamphetamine use in New York City. Focusing on the migration narratives of 30 racially/ethnically diverse men, age 40 years old and older, recruited from multiple venues several key areas emerged: ostracization, lack of affirmation as well as movement activities. Interactively they transformed social practices and increased spaces to explore sexuality, build community engagements and exchange resources. This study suggests that assessment of gay men (and other marginalized groups) may be enhanced through application of migration narratives.
Keywords:migration narrative  elders  migration  gay men  social work practice  ethnicity  culture
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