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引用本文:金良,谢戎,吴丽君,李永洪. INGER水稻种质主要农艺性状初步研究[J]. 西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001, 18(1): 4-6
作者姓名:金良  谢戎  吴丽君  李永洪
摘    要:INGER提供的“灌溉稻极早熟、早熟观察圃”种质的主要农艺性状进行了相关及通径分析 ,并对这些种质在育种中的利用进行了讨论。

关 键 词:水稻种质农艺性状相关分析通径分析

Preliminary Study on Main Agronomical Traits of Rice Germplasm from INGER
Jin Liang,Xie Rong,Wu Lijun,Li Yonghong. Preliminary Study on Main Agronomical Traits of Rice Germplasm from INGER[J]. Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology, 2001, 18(1): 4-6
Authors:Jin Liang  Xie Rong  Wu Lijun  Li Yonghong
Abstract:Main agronomical traits of rice germplasm from International Irrigated Rice Observational Nursery for Very Early and Early Maturing were studied with correlation and path analysis, The utilization value of these germplasm in rice breeding was discussed.
Keywords:rice  germplasm  agronomical trait  correlation.
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