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引用本文:赵亚平. 凌云剑气太白诗[J]. 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007, 35(5): 59-63
摘    要:作为中国古代兵器的剑,我们的先祖在实现其使用价值的过程中逐渐赋予它以丰赡的文化内涵,使之成为了某种人文精神的象征,因而骚人韵士也便常将其作为固定的抒情意象摄入吟篇。太白诗中所透射出的"凌云剑气"是其全部歌吟之精魂,蕴聚着建功立业的英雄壮气,扶危济困的任侠豪气,同心急难的金兰义气,固穷守节的君子正气,傲世独立的隐者骨气,诛强恤弱的仁人怨气,全方位、多视角地展示了大唐王朝的勃然之气,华夏民族的浩然之气,能给读者以强烈的情感震撼和深刻的理智启迪。

关 键 词:太白诗  凌云剑气  意象  

On the Spirit of Swords in Li Bai's Poems
ZHAO Ya-ping. On the Spirit of Swords in Li Bai's Poems[J]. Jounal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2007, 35(5): 59-63
Authors:ZHAO Ya-ping
Abstract:A sword,as one of ancient Chinese weapons,has been endued with rich cultural connotation when our ancestors fulfilled its values.It has become a symbol of humanistic spirit.Therefore,poets usually introduced swords into their poems as a lyric image.Swords are the soul of Li Bai's poems,which indicate the heroic spirit of making contributions and starting a career,the chivalrous spirit of supporting those in distress and aiding those in misery,the loyal spirit of sworn brothers who are in trouble anytime,the gentle spirit of standing on one's dignity in spite of poverty,the reclusive spirit of regarding the world with detestation.His poems reflect the prosperity of Tang Dynasty and the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation completely,which can enlighten readers deeply.
Keywords:Li Bai's poems  soar to the skies and radiance of a sword  image  swords
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