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引用本文:徐雪辉. 科举场面与戏剧效果[J]. 齐鲁学刊, 2008, 0(2): 123-127
摘    要:科举考试是中国古代戏曲中经常出现的场面。与实际科考相比,剧作家在处理这些场面时,显示了其造"戏"的艺术才能。他们一般只关注进士科考试,截取最高级别的殿试场面,并把正规、严肃的科考形式加工成戏谐、滑稽的故事。在角色设置上多增设净、丑一类滑稽角色,以增强戏剧的趣味性并起到调节气氛的效果。这是舞台演出的需要,也是以观众为中心的戏剧创作观念的体现。

关 键 词:科举  戏剧  殿试  角色  科诨

The Imperial Examinations Scene and Drama Effects
Xu Xue-hui. The Imperial Examinations Scene and Drama Effects[J]. Qilu Journal, 2008, 0(2): 123-127
Authors:Xu Xue-hui
Abstract:The imperial examinations is a common scene in Chinese traditional opera.Contrast with the reality examinations,authors always select the highest imperial examinations and the scene presided over by the emperor;authors would rather change serious thing into funny stories;they always install "painted face" or"clown"in examinations scene.by artistic polishing ,Chinese traditional opera cater to the needs of stage and spectators,so it is full of artistic charm.
Keywords:imperial examinations  drama  presided over by the emperor  role  make impromptucomic gestures and remarks
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