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“We Don't Call It a 'Circle'”: The Ethos of a Support Group
Authors:Deborah Gold
Affiliation:471 Runnymede Road, Toronto , Ontario , M6S 2Z4 , Canada
Abstract:This paper contains the results of an eight month qualitative study of a group of young adults called a 'circle of friends', in Ontario, Canada. The 'circle of friends' concept has become increasingly popular in the field of disability in the last few years. In it, unrelated age peers are expected to befriend and support a person with a label. Utilizing participant observation and in-depth qualitative interviewing, the researcher gathered data which revealed a group ethos. The group attempted to make their activities seem as 'natural' and 'normal' as possible. It was also found that the 'circle' meant little or nothing to the supporters involved, but their friendships with the labelled person were quite important to them. The results of the study increase our understanding of how one such group operates, and the meaning participation has to those involved. As well, we can begin to build a theory about the relationship between friendship and support in such groups.
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