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引用本文:吴联灿,申曙光. 我国新型农村合作医疗制度运行状况评估——基于公平和效率的视角[J]. 西南大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 37(2): 96-100,192
作者姓名:吴联灿  申曙光
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“新型农村合作医疗的筹资机制、保障水平与可持续发展:基于保险精算的研究”(70773123),项目负责人:申曙光; 中山大学优秀研究生导师逸仙创新人才培养计划(10000-3126201),项目负责人:吴联灿
摘    要:作为中国农村地区医疗保障的一项主导制度,当前我国新农合制度已进入全面推进阶段,正处于发展的关键时期,因此对各地新农合制度运行状况实施全面评估显得尤为必要。本文在充分收集我国历年新农合运行数据的基础上,基于公平与效率的视角,从参合、筹资、基金使用、补偿等四个方面,对我国新农合运行状况进行全面评估,并提出相应的政策建议。

关 键 词:新型农村合作医疗  运行状况  公平  效率  评估

Assessment on the Operation of China's New Rural Cooperative Medical System
WU Lian-can,SHEN Shu-guang. Assessment on the Operation of China's New Rural Cooperative Medical System[J]. Journal of southwest university(social science edition), 2011, 37(2): 96-100,192
Authors:WU Lian-can  SHEN Shu-guang
Affiliation:WU Lian-can SHEN Shu-guang
Abstract:As one of the main medical systems in China's rural area,New Rural Cooperative Medical System(thereafter referred as NRCMS) play an important role in addressing the medical problems of rural residents.With the comprehensive implementation of NRCMS,it is essential to conduct a comprehensive assessment on the operation of China's NRCMS.As such,by collecting NRCMS operation data starting from 2003,this paper is based on the concept of equality and efficiency,and is to conduct a comprehensive assessment on Chin...
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