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引用本文:王雷. 陕北方言本字续再考[J]. 延安大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 25(2): 118-120
摘    要:本着据义定字,据音定词的原则,可以考释出能够代表陕北方言语词的若干本字。由于时、地的不同,这些本字的读音与陕北方言语词的实际读音并不都是完全一致。只要语义一致,语音符合音变规律的,即可定为本字。

关 键 词:陕北方言  本字  考证

Research on Native Words in Northern Shannxi Dialect
WANG Lei. Research on Native Words in Northern Shannxi Dialect[J]. Journal of Yan'an University (Social Science Edition), 2003, 25(2): 118-120
Authors:WANG Lei
Abstract:On the basis of deciding words according to their pron un ciations,a certain number of native words representing the words and phrases of northern shaanxi dialect will be studied.Due to different time and places,pronun ciations of the native words are not completely identical to the real ones of th e words and phrases of northern shaanxi dialect.Native words will be so if their semantic meaning and pronunciation conform to the princinples involved.
Keywords:northern shaanxi dialect  native words  textual resear ch
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