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Social choice with analytic preferences
Authors:Michel Le Breton  John A. Weymark
Affiliation:(1)  Université de la Méditérranée, Faculté des Sciences Economiques, 14, Avenue Jules Ferry, 13621, Aix en Provence, France (e-mail: lebreton@romarin.univ-aix.fr), FR;(2)  Department of Economics, Box 1819, Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA (e-mail: john.weymark@vanderbilt.edu), US
Arrow's axioms for social welfare functions are shown to be inconsistent when the set of alternatives is the nonnegative orthant in a multidimensional Euclidean space and preferences are assumed to be either the set of analytic classical economic preferences or the set of Euclidean spatial preferences. When either of these preference domains is combined with an agenda domain consisting of compact sets with nonempty interiors, strengthened versions of the Arrovian social choice correspondence axioms are shown to be consistent. To help establish the economic possibility theorem, an ordinal version of the Analytic Continuation Principle is developed. Received: 4 July 2000/Accepted: 2 April 2001
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