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引用本文:胡谦. 浅议清代民间调处制度[J]. 河南理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2009, 10(4)
摘    要:民间调处作为清代解决社会纠纷的重要方式之一,无论官府还是普通民众都对其十分依赖,大量社会纠纷都会通过寻求民间调处方式得到解决。通过运用司法档案、契约等文献对清代民间调处制度的分析,可以看到清代民间调处制度已经逐渐得到发展、完善,已初步具有调处主体类型化、调处运行机制制度化、调处依据多元化的特征。清代民间调处制度具有的这些特征使得民间调处在清代社会纠纷化解中扮演了更为重要与有效的角色。

关 键 词:清代  民间调处  纠纷解决机制

A Brief Argumentation on the Civil Mediation in Qing Dynasty
Abstract:The civil mediation was one of the important disputes-solved ineasures in Qing dynasty society. Whether the officer or the normal people depended on it, many social disputes were solved by looking after the civil mediation. The analysis through the judicial files and bargain in Qing dynasty made us know that the civil mediation was gradually developed and improved. The civil mediation appeared with the characteristics of mediator's type, the institutionalized function mechanism and the pluralistic mediation rules. All these characteristics made the civil mediation play the important role in Qing dynasty.
Keywords:Qing dynasty   the civil mediation   the mechanism of disputes-solved
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