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引用本文:杨辉,谢毅. 影响农民工社会养老保险制度建立与实施的主要因素及对策分析[J]. 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 25(3): 94-100
作者姓名:杨辉  谢毅
作者单位:1. 北京大学,中国科学技术大学管理学院,230041
2. 中国科学技术大学经济法专业,230041
摘    要:农民工的养老保险问题逐渐受到政府和社会各界的关注.一些地区根据本地经济发展实际,以地方性立法的形式相继建立起本地区的农民工养老保险体系;但农民工社会养老保险制度建设尚处探索阶段,现行的保险办法未免存在一定的缺陷和不足.文章通过对现行农民工养老保险的办法加以分析.试图从不同层面揭示影响农民工参加社会养老保险的主要因素,并提出相应对策以期为农民工统一养老保险办法的制定和出台提供有益之参考.

关 键 词:农民工  养老保险  个人账户  统筹

Main Influencing Factors and Countermeasure Analysis onEstabl ishment and Implementation of Social EndowmentInsurance Institutions for Peasant Workers
Yang Hui,Xie Yi. Main Influencing Factors and Countermeasure Analysis onEstabl ishment and Implementation of Social EndowmentInsurance Institutions for Peasant Workers[J]. Journal of China Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), 2008, 25(3): 94-100
Authors:Yang Hui  Xie Yi
Abstract:The matter of endowment insurance of peasant wor kers has received mo re and mo re attention from the gov er nmentand the society as a w hole .On the basis of situations of dev elo pment of local economy , lo cal governments of certainareas, has already established endowment insurance sy stem of peasant wor kers, by means of local legislation .Whereas,the institutional construction o f endow ment insurance of peasant laborers is still in the stage of exploration , so there are inevitabledrawbacks for current insurance legislation .This paper makes analy sis on current legislation of current endow mentinsurance , trying to reveal main factors affecting endowment insurance system from different lev els, looking forw ard tosupplying useful reference for the fo rmulation and unveiling o f unified endow ment insurance legislation of peasant wor kers.
Keywords:Peasant w orkers   Endowment insurance  Personal account   Overall planning
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