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Competitive renaissance through digital transformation
Affiliation:Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia - IT, Via San Felice, 5 27100, Pavia, Italy;Dpt. of Business Management ‘Juan José Renau Piqueras'', Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Av. Tarongers, S/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
Abstract:Dramatic health, environmental, and social-related challenges put pressure on firms to rethink their strategies and growth paths. Is a digital-enabled transformation able to help firms cope with these challenges and drive a competitive renaissance of our economic system? Are extant theories and concepts able to interpret the digital transformation? This management focus section aims to advance a relevant and impactful research agenda in the area of “business strategy and digitalization” through 4 contributions – both conceptual and empirical – that contribute to the understanding of the so-called “digital transformation” and its implications for both scholars and practitioners.
Keywords:Digital transformation  Competitiveness  Sustainability  Renaissance
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