也谈《墨经》之“侔”--墨“侔”三款之我见兼商榷 |
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引用本文: | 钱爽. 也谈《墨经》之“侔”--墨“侔”三款之我见兼商榷[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2016, 0(5): 27-41. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8425(s).2016.05.004 |
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作者姓名: | 钱爽 |
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作者单位: | 北京行政学院哲学教研部,北京,100044 |
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基金项目: | 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“中西哲学比较研究史论”(15ZXA005) |
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摘 要: | 《墨经》之“侔”,其得以成立之前提应为《墨经》之基本范畴“同”,而《墨经》所言之“同”凡十种,又可细分为“名”层面之“同”、“实”层面之“同”与“合”层面之“同”。墨“侔”正是基于上述三类“同”之前提得以建构,进而实现其“比辞而俱行”的内涵的,由此墨“侔”基于三类“同”之前提形成“侔”之三款,即“名”之“侔”、“实”之“侔”与“合”之“侔”;还可依据三种形式形成“加”之“侔”、“减”之“侔”与“换”之“侔”三款。此外,《墨经》中对“侔”之表述多为举例式,属经验性陈述,故墨“侔”成立之有效式只可经验归纳而得,先验演绎难以得之。基于上述认识,对以往学界所持之墨“侔”属西洋形式逻辑“附性法”、墨“侔”应包含“不是而不然”之“否定式”有效式及“是而不然”“不是而然”等“部分否定”有效式、墨“侔”之“减词”与“减辞”说、墨“侔”属“复杂概念推理”或“关系推理”、墨“侔”即“辟辞”属类比推理、墨“侔”属直接演绎推理等诸代表性观点进行商榷。
关 键 词: | 墨“侔” “同” “名”之“侔” “实”之“侔” “合”之“侔” “加”之“侔” “减”之“侔” “换”之“侔” 经验归纳 |
On Parallelism (Mou)in Mohist Canon:A View and Discussion on Three Types of Mohist Parallelism (Mou) |
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Abstract: | The precondition of parallelism (Mou)in Mohist Canon is Mohist basic category sameness (Tong),which develops ten different types in Mohist Canon.Those can be subdivided into three levels,such as the sameness in the level of name (Ming),object (Shi)and correlation (He).It is based on those promises of the three types of sameness mentioned above that the parallelism develops itself,proceeding to realize its connotation of“comparing the propositions to let them proceed hand in hand”(Bi Ci Er Ju Xing).Thus,Mohist parallelism develops three types,based on three types of sameness,i.e.the parallelism of name (Ming),of object (Shi)and of correlation (He).In addition,it can also develop another three types,i.e.the parallelism of amplification (Jia),of omission (Jian)and of substitution (Huan),according to another three forms.Moreover,Mohist parallelism is characterized by its empirical narration because of its enumerative expression,which indicates that the valid parallelism can be realized by empirical induction only, rather than transcendental deduction. |
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Keywords: | Mohist Parrallelism (Mou ) Sameness (Tong ) Parallelism of Name (Ming ) Parallelism of Object (Shi) Parallelism of Correlation (He) |
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