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The changing dynamics of land conflict in the Brazilian Amazon: The rural-urban complex and its environmental implications
Authors:Simmons  Cynthia S.  Perz  Stephen  Pedlowski  Marcos A.  Silva  Luiz Guilherme Teixeira
Affiliation:(1) Department of Geography, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA;(2) Department of Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;(3) Laboratório de Estudos do Espaço Antrópico, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil;(4) EMBRARA/CPATU, Belém, Brazil
The Brazilian Amazon is an area of both serious environmental degradation and social instability. Despite billions of dollars spent on economic development and the rapid pace of urbanization, deforestation is extreme and violent land conflict is intense. Although episodes of conflict over land are common in Brazilian history, this paper focuses on agrarian issues that arose with the opening of the Amazon frontier in the 1970s. The paper argues that the nature of land conflict in the eastern Brazilian Amazon is dynamic, and proposes a two-stage model to illustrate how the struggle has evolved from an agrarian phenomenon to an organized resistance that is urban-based. Recognizing the interaction between cities and rural areas in the frontier reaches of the Brazilian Amazon is key to understanding the land struggle in the face of urbanization. The analytical framework deployed considers the transformation of the region from an agrarian frontier to an urbanized frontier, assessing the dynamic nature of the land struggle and examining the implications for land cover change.
Keywords:land conflict  frontier urbanization  environmental justice  political and social movements
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