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The embodied becoming of autism and childhood: a storytelling methodology
Authors:Jill C. Smith
Affiliation:1. School of Education, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;2. Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
Abstract:In this article I explore a methodology of storytelling as a means of bringing together research around autism and childhood in a new way, as a site of the embodied becoming of autism and childhood. Through reflection on an ethnographic story of embodiment, the body is explored as a site of knowledge production that contests its dominantly storied subjectivation as a ‘disordered’ child. Storytelling is used to experiment with a line of flight from the autistic-child-research assemblage into new spaces of potential and possibility where the becomings of bodies within the collision of autism and childhood can be celebrated.
Keywords:Disability  childhood  autism  methodology  storytelling  embodiment
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